Playacar y Akumal: Las mejores ocupaciones hoteleras a nivel nacional

La zona hotelera de Playacar, en Playa del Carmen, y Akumal, en el municipio de Tulum, encabezaron la ocupación hotelera por destino turístico a nivel nacional de enero a octubre de 2023, informó la Secretaría de Turismo federal (Sectur), superando a destinos ya consolidados como Cancún o Puerto Vallarta.

En un comunicado de prensa, el secretario de Turismo del Gobierno de México, Miguel Torruco Marqués, dio a conocer que, en el periodo de enero a octubre de 2023, la llegada de turistas a cuartos de hotel fue de 71 millones de turistas, en 70 centros monitoreados por DataTur. Las ciudades registraron 39.5 millones de turistas en cuartos de hotel, y los centros de playa recibieron a 31.5 millones.

En el segmento de centros de playa, de enero a octubre de 2023, en ocupación hotelera por centros turísticos destacan con los mayores niveles de ocupación: Playacar con el 82.9 por ciento; Akumal con el 81.3 por ciento; Cabo San Lucas, con 76.9por ciento; Cancún con 74.5 por ciento; Nuevo Nayarit con 72.6 por ciento y Puerto Vallarta con 71 por ciento.

El funcionario federal precisó que, de enero a octubre de este año, la ocupación hotelera a nivel nacional alcanzó el 59.3 por ciento, esto es un incremento de 3.4 puntos porcentuales respecto al mismo periodo de 2022. En los primeros 10 meses de 2023, el número de cuartos ocupados promedio alcanzó un nivel de 257 mil 191 unidades, esto es 7.5 por ciento más, comparado con el mismo lapso de 2022.

Torruco Marqués indicó que, en los centros de playa, el nivel de ocupación en los primeros 10 meses de 2023 fue de 66.2 por ciento, lo que significa un incremento de 1.2 puntos porcentuales, respecto al mismo lapso de 2022, cuando se registró 65 por ciento de ocupación. Estos destinos registraron 135 mil 976 cuartos ocupados promedio, mientras que en enero-octubre 2022 fueron 131 mil 411, lo que significa un incremento de 3.5 por ciento.

Para los centros de playa, se registraron 205 mil 504 cuartos disponibles promedio, mientras que en el mismo periodo de 2022 fueron 202 mil 279, lo que significa 1.6 por ciento más.

En los destinos de ciudad, el número de habitaciones disponibles promedio entre enero y octubre de 2023 fue de 228 mil 263, lo que representa un incremento de 1 por ciento respecto al mismo periodo de 2022.

Entregan tarjetas de Pensión para el Bienestar de Personas con Discapacidad

El Gobierno capitalino, en coordinación con la Secretaría del Bienestar del Gobierno de México, anuncio que, del 6 al 30 de junio, se realizará en la Ciudad de México el registro de solicitantes a la Pensión para el Bienestar de las Personas con Discapacidad, cuya inversión este año es de mil millones de pesos.

Se habilitarán 47 módulos en las 16 alcaldías de la Ciudad para que los solicitantes acudan a registrarse. Es importante mencionar que, para obtener el apoyo es indispensable contar con el Certificado de Discapacidad que otorga la Secretaría de Salud capitalina (SEDESA).

A partir de agosto de 2022 comenzará la entrega de Tarjetas de Discapacidad del Banco del Bienestar, el apoyo consistirá en 2 mil 800 pesos bimestrales, además de la Tarjeta Incluyente para Personas con Discapacidad Permanente de la Ciudad de México, con vigencia de cinco años para contar con acceso gratuito al Metro, Metrobús y RTP, entre otros beneficios.

Los requisitos para acudir a registrarse son los siguientes:

Acta de nacimiento
Identificación oficial
Comprobante de domicilio
Teléfono de contacto
Certificado de Discapacidad
En caso de que la persona con discapacidad decida tener un auxiliar, éste deberá presentar los mismos documentos y a su vez deberá acudir a los módulos para solicitar una visita domiciliaria para la persona con discapacidad.

Las fechas de registro se llevarán a cabo de acuerdo con la primera letra del apellido de lunes al sábado en un horario de 10:00 a 16:00 horas: lunes: A,B,C; martes: D,E,F,G,H; miércoles: I,J,K,L,M; jueves: N,Ñ,O,P,Q,R; viernes: S,T,U,V,W,X,Y, Z y sábado: todas las letras.

La ubicación de los 47 módulos se podrá consultar en la página: Mientras que, para obtener información sobre el Certificado de Discapacidad se deberá llamar a LOCATEL *0311 y agendar una cita en uno de los 120 Centros de Salud.

Captura FGE de Quintana Roo a presuntos responsables del asesinato de ex gánster canadiense

Luis Felipe “N” y Juan Pablo “N” fueron capturados como probables responsables del homicidio en contra de Samy Tamouro quien contaba con antecedentes penales por vínculos con el crimen organizado en Canadá y que fue atacado a balazos mientras se encontraba en el gimnasio Total Sport.

En las investigaciones que realiza la Fiscalía General del Estado ha informado que los detenidos fueron ubicados por las cámaras del C5, análisis periciales y cateos a un motel de este municipio, por lo que los agentes policiacos realizaron la captura de Luis Felipe “N” y Juan Pablo “N”, quienes fueron puestas a disposición del Ministerio Público por los hechos ocurridos el 15 de diciembre.

Samy Tamouro fue arrestado en julio de 2016 en Quebec, Canadá como parte de la operación Magot-Mastiff, enfocada en desmantelar una red del crimen organizado que involucraba a bandas callejeras, la mafia y grupos de motociclistas en Montreal.

El hoy occiso, según las indagatorias, estaba relacionado con el grupo Hells Angels en Quebec, una de las pandillas de motociclistas involucradas en actividades ilícitas que van desde el narcomenudeo hasta homicidios.

En Canadá fue detenido y se declaró culpable de sus vínculos con el crimen organizado por lo que fue condenado a 18 meses de prisión.

Cabe destacar que los imputados se encuentran a disposición de un Juez de Control, quien a petición de la defensa, otorgó la ampliación del término para la vinculación a proceso de los detenidos, la cual vence el viernes 22 del presente mes.

Entregan la Medalla al Mérito Policial Quintana Roo 2023

La gobernadora Mara Lezama Espinosa entregó la Medalla al Mérito Policial Quintana Roo 2023 a la ciudadana Teresa Emigdio Antúnez y al ciudadano Isidro Uc Matos, por su destacada labor en favor de la ciudadanía quintanarroense, gracias al desempeño que han tenido durante sus labores.

En Sesión Solemne del Congreso del Estado, con la presencia del diputado Luis Humberto Aldana Navarro, presidente de la Junta de Gobierno y Coordinación Política del Congreso, y del magistrado Heyden José Cebada Rivas, presidente del Poder Judicial, la gobernadora Mara Lezama reconoció la valentía, el compromiso, pero sobre todo la voluntad de actuar de los elementos galardonados.

La Gobernadora añadió que para dignificar la labor policial se ha puesto en marcha una estrategia que fortalece las capacidades, con base en el Nuevo Acuerdo por el Bienestar y Desarrollo de Quintana Roo, que tiene como prioridad impulsar el desarrollo policial y tener una corporación más profesional, mejor preparado, bien equipada, para dar mejor atención a los ciudadanos.

Destacó que en este gobierno, humanista y progresista, de la transformación profunda, realiza todos los esfuerzos y trabaja todos los días para tener una corporación policiaca más profesional y, a partir de enero, la mejor pagada de todo México al servicio de la ciudadanía, de las personas, para contribuir a la paz y la tranquilidad.

Asimismo, Mara Lezama extendió el reconocimiento a todos los integrantes de las fuerzas de seguridad quienes, con disciplina, esfuerzo, profesionalismo, pero sobre todo la entrega con la que hacen su labor todos los días, “y han apoyado el nuevo Modelo de Seguridad Ciudadana que este gobierno humanista y progresista ha incorporado para beneficio de las y los quintanarroenses”.

Después de escuchar la lectura del Decreto por el que se declara el Día del Policía de Quintana Roo y se instituye la medalla Al Mérito Policial de Quintana Roo a cargo de la diputada Mildred Ávila Vera, de entregar las medallas y escuchar las palabras de los policías galardonados, la gobernadora Mara Lezama destacó el trabajo de cada uno de ellos, que con su trabajo demuestran que sí se puede.

Teresa Emigdio Antúnez, galardonada, en el mensaje de agradecimiento, afirmó sentirse llena de orgullo al recibir este reconocimiento, “porque sé que no es solo mío, es de todos los hombres y mujeres policías que se esfuerzan día a día, que por hacer esta diferencia, por sembrar el cambio por el gran honor de servir a los y las quintanarroenses”.

Asimismo, hizo un llamado a la ciudadanía: “El ser muy buenos ciudadanos está en nuestras manos, el criar buenos hijos, el practicar los valores y dar un buen ejemplo, esa debería de ser una de nuestras principales tareas. Todos pedimos siempre un cambio, pedimos vivir en un mundo mejor. ¡Seamos parte de este cambio, siendo ciudadanos de bien y construyamos la seguridad juntos!

Asistieron a esta ceremonia diputados constituyentes, dignatarios, generales y sacerdotes mayas, ex gobernadores, representantes de las fuerzas armadas, presidentes y presidentas municipales, representantes de los sectores social, público y privado.

Tras tiroteo en Praga, gobierno de México ofrece ayuda ofrece ayuda a mexicanos en República Checa

Luego del tiroteo ocurrido en una facultad de la Universidad Charles en Praga, en República Checa, el Gobierno de México extendió sus condolencias a las personas afectadas y ofreció ayuda a los connacionales que lo requieran.

A través de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE), expresó que en caso de que mexicanos requieran asistencia o protección consular por ese hecho, la Embajada de México en la República Checa está a su disposición.

A su vez, la Embajada de México en República Checa indicó que en caso de necesitar asistencia, los connacionales pueden llamar al teléfono: +420724229024.

El hecho dejó por lo menos 15 personas muertas y varias más heridas, de acuerdo con los reportes de la policía.

Un tiroteo se desató este jueves cerca de una universidad en el centro de Praga. La policía reportó que hay al menos 15 muertos, incluyendo el tirador, y 24 heridos.

El ministro del Interior, Vit Rakusan, dijo en declaraciones a la televisión pública que la situación había sido controlada y que no existían indicios de que hubiera un segundo tirador.

El presidente checo, Petr Pavel, se declaró “conmocionado por los acontecimientos” y expresó sus “sinceras condolencias a las familias y allegados de las víctimas”. El primer ministro, Peter Fiala, suspendió la agenda del día, en vista de los trágicos eventos.

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Hottest OnlyFans Ladies: 25 Hottest OnlyFans Very hot Ladies in 2023

With a huge number of new young girls becoming a member of OnlyFans each and every moment, finding the optimum OnlyFans versions to adhere to can be quite a difficult process.

Thankfully to suit your needs, we search the web 10 times per day to get the best OnlyFans accounts going live each day, including all the very best OnlyFans balances to follow in 2023.

Get ready to find out the very best OnlyFans balances on-line at the moment and all sorts of the sexy, delightful articles distinctly made by each one.

Let’s jump in!

Best OnlyFans Girls: Presented Balances This Calendar month

Neiva Mara One

Once the OnlyFans program very first surfaced, many people questioned the idea of compensated porn. All things considered, web sites like PornHub got essentially made X-ranked content totally free for many years, so why would individuals grab their charge cards once they could observe everything fucking and sucking free of charge? The plethora of only fans totally free accounts is resistant beneficial that paid for and gratis porn can can be found alongside, and you can savor the better of equally worlds.

Intelligent free of charge OnlyFans ladies such as the awesome Neiva Mara One have established the naysayers incorrect, exhibiting there is definitely a place for intelligent creators to produce a living, even though they feature their subscribers totally free. If you want to see what this online porn owner and creator of one of the best free OnlyFans accounts on the web is all about, just sign up – and feel free to tip if you like what you see.

Megan Barton Hanson

Born and raised inLondon and England, this blond splendor first gained fame like a contestant on Really like Tropical island in 2018. That exposure on fact tv was the ideal springboard to on-line popularity, initial on Instagram and then as the best designs on OnlyFans.

As for her personal life, Megan Barton Hanson is perhaps best known for her brief romance with Wes Nelson, who just happened to be one of her costars on the aforementioned Love Island. Ultimately, enjoy was not within the atmosphere, and they days and nights Megan is proud to share with you her daily life, and her adore, along with her several OnlyFans readers.



439.1K enjoys

3.9K mass media records

$18.99 each month

Sophia has put in the time and dedication to her page to make it one of the best follows, even though becoming the top .1% best girls on OnlyFans is not an easy task. Her posts and her winning personality are what keep her subscribers coming back month after month, because she lets people into her daily life with hiking, yoga, selfies, adventure posts, and of course full nudes directly on the feed, with high quality pictures and videos uploaded multiple times a day, along with random fun surprises in your inbox when you least expect them.

This English language design is probably the best OnlyFans babes who can answer to your emails. She spends a lot of time on the internet and wishes to allow you to pleased and get acquainted with her supporters actually. Your registration also provides you with access to bonuses like customized content, sexting, and dick testimonials. It is possible to DM her to learn more about how that works. Follow Sophia now for a high quality OnlyFans model expertise.


She would not be your ex-wife, and it would be great if all divorcees were as hot as this lovely lady, if your ex-wife looked like Karen. If you are looking for a free Only Fans account that will get your motor running and keep your fire burning, Xwife Karen clearly has it going on.

From her too-very hot-for-Insta images to her exclusive and explicit video lessons, Xwife Karen is dedicated to supplying the finest and the majority of incredible content you will actually see, all for the price including the stingiest porn fan can afford. You will not go awry when you register, so look into the most well liked ex-spouse around.

Jem Wolfie

About Jem Wolfie:

When you need a totally gorgeous babe with some crazy tits, Jem Wolfie is a very warm bombshell you should know. Her account is an absolute steal for what you get, even though not only is she gorgeous. You may match that excellent selling price with a long term membership discount, and you have got it manufactured in the shade. According to her, Jem’s account is one of the most-subscribed globally, at least.

She has distinctive videos and photos of her huge tits on Onlyfans, and she keeps a lot of special gifts for the special one-on-one particular conversation practical experience. Jem is actually a question from Perth, and she delivers you some steamy wonderful times with out keeping back again. You don’t desire to skip the opportunity to see this knockout in action, so go take a look at Jem Wolfie right now.

Sara Underwood

Next, up on our list is the lovely Sara Underwood, a fine example of the fact that you do not have to pay a lot to get a lot. Sara is friendly, outgoing and lots of enjoyable, and she is constantly up for anything naughty along with her enthusiasts. This popular babe likes to talk to the guys (and gals) who see her get off, and she would desire to meet and talk to you too. This is the free OnlyFans model for you if you want to fatten your cock without flattening your wallet.

Tana Mongeau

Most commonly known on her behalf storytime You tube video clips, Tana Mongeau was created on June 24, 1998. She shared the focus with a lot of other YouTubers, such as ex-boyfriend Jake Paul. Tana hails from LasNevada and Vegas, a town known for its extreme conditions, and for its determination to everyone of sexual intercourse work and adult leisure. Using a difficult and turbulent youth in Vegas, Tana been able to go out from beneath it as she prospered on YouTube.

In addition to her OnlyFans presence, Tana spent some time working as a musician, model and comedian. Tana is devoted to her accomplishment, making an effort to create every single new online video as skilled and shiny as you can. Follow the link beneath to discover Tana Mongeau’s OnlyFans profile and subscriber to her for free.

Ginny Potter

Remember THAT mom from the area if you had been being raised? Usually the one all of those other parents despised? Usually the one the PTA mothers talked about associated with her rear? Usually the one all the adolescents inside the area lusted following? Well she is all grown up, and she is still turning heads and making people talk, but now she is doing it on the free OnlyFans platform. This hot MILF has it really occurring, and she is delighted to give away a lot of remarkable articles, all on the pleasure of your horny people who watch her as well as the discomfort in the PTA mommies who nevertheless talk about what she does to get a lifestyle.


Just heading by “Enigma” on OnlyFans, this lovely ginger herb with large jugs is usually fairly sweet and shy but found themselves sharing a lot more of themselves on OnlyFans. She likes to sext, is legitimate in the claims, delivers reviews to her fans, and provide out free of charge gift items.

Take advantage of this enigma’s 90% away from selling and obtain access to all of her special content material for only $3. She likes to get messy and present precisely how damp she gets, posting multiple times every day which includes total-span video tutorials of specific scenes. Read this redheaded buxom babe nowadays and bask in the ideal plumpness. See her actually in operation together with her 1000s of pictures and videos.

Lana Rhodes

Lana has rather higher amusement importance with regards to her OnlyFans user profile, and thinking of her subscription will almost certainly cost you just $6 monthly, we believe that it must be worth it.

She provides enjoyable content material and it has over 200 images and videos that you can go through in her records, which means that you’re going to get lots of bang for your buck.

She actually is really one of the more successful OnlyFans credit accounts on the market, and she is also successful in the grown-up amusement industry too, so you realize that you are going to get a good encounter if you sign up for your account this way.

Lana Monroe

Best Characteristics

– Delicious contours

– Standard stay streamer

– 250 raunchy photos and videos

– $3/calendar month

Lana is a popular curvy OnlyFans babe. Her amazing physique and awesome bust supply the best video footage that we have clapped eyes on for some time.

She’s full of raunchy teasing, though, so be prepared to get very hot and steamy. You’ll intend to make sure you’re in individual; just a heads up.

She’s really enjoyable and loves to take part along with her enthusiasts. She routinely are living streams, so you’ll have real time entertaining together.

, even though be warned On these shows, she actually is extremely specific. They are the same as cam displays, so be ready for some outstanding pleasures. She’ll perform even more for you-ask her to do specific acts, she won’t disappoint, if you tip her.

If you’re lucky, she might even sext with you, her custom footage will also heat things up, and. It’s only $3 per month to join this curvy beginner, and that is a real rob.

Amber Rose

Amber Rose is amongst the most well-known models and sex-positive activists, she produced a debut about the platform a little while ago. She immediately acquired accepted and her account increased, with a little the help of her 20 mil supporters on Instagram in which she preaches body positivity, feminism, and also other subject areas, she is definitely a major function version for all of the women who wish to turn out to be among the finest OnlyFans girls.


We are happy to say that you were mistaken if you thought there were no free OnlyFans girls on the South American continent. Indeed, the To the south United states contingent is full of life and nicely around the free of charge OnlyFans foundation, and there is not any much better example in comparison to the beautiful Mati. Sunlight has obviously done wonderful stuff for reaches warm babe, and she has populated her site having an remarkable selection of videos, other and photos content material. It is her toned, tanned and fit body that really get the guys going, though mati describes herself as having her head in the clouds.

Kat Aphrodisiac

When you find yourself a lesbian its smart to get a skilled tongue, and this lovely young lady includes a tongue that is skilled in methods than one. The well named Kat Aphrodisiac is with pride bilingual, and she loves to exhibit her love of language – nearly just as much as she loves to process her dental abilities on her eager and remarkably satisfied girl partners. If you would like to see her in all her oral glory, just sign up for what is definitely one of the best Only Fans accounts on the platform.

Eva Veil

The world of inexperienced porn is nicely depicted around the OnlyFans website, and Eva Veil has become a standout celebrity. This scarcely legitimate attractiveness likes to fuck, and she wants to motion picture the results and share these with her developing legions of fans and followers. Known for her passion for anal perform and her decidedly kinky aspect, Eva is anxious to please, so when you join her website you will be the satisfied and remarkably pleased named beneficiary of her legendary kindness.

Emma Magnolia

This 18 year-old likes to be watched when she squirts with ecstasy. Emma Magnolia can be a ravenous redhead having an hunger for excitement. Together with the at any time-so-sought-after-soon after whooty, this bangin’ babe will definitely give you anything you want… and more.

With 5000 delicious articles to cravings for food around, Emma Magnolia’s page is probably the very best adolescent OnlyFans profile you can adhere to. She loves to demonstrate and get to know the things you like greatest, and she actually is at the moment running a 75Per cent away sale! For only $3.25, you will definately get complete, unrestricted usage of her page.

Savannah Paige

Next, up on our list is the cheeky and fun Savannah Paige, and we can assure you this is a great account to follow. The initial thing you will notice when you visit this totally free OnlyFans page may be the description, and in it Savannah Paige represents herself for your potential wife. If you are skeptical at first, you will not be for long – her smoking hot body and outgoing personality will have you proposing marriage in no time. And if you are not currently available, why not question your current spouse to view with you – Savannah wants to play with couples of every age group, sex identities and erotic orientations.


Best Features

– $3/calendar month

– geeky and Cute by using a huge booty

– Teen redhead

– Live channels routinely

This sweet teenage redhead is quickly gaining interest on OnlyFans, and is undoubtedly an up-and-coming information author. But, even with becoming a newbie, she’s definitely not harmless. You’d consider this cutie had been a grown-up legend for years.

You’ll locate a page packed with booty shots, and several significantly saucy poses. If you like that kind of thing, just wait until you slip into her DMs and ask her for some custom content.

This is where her specific the outdoors definitely shines.

For only $3 per month, that’s lots of prime articles to help keep you occupied. However, if it is not very enough keep an eye out for her standard live streams. In this article it is possible to connect with her IRL and enjoy some up-shut-and-individual pleasures.

With 200 photos and videos and 50k likes presently, we understand Abby will likely be the best OnlyFans star.

Don’t think us? Have a look yourself.

Katelyn Runck

As we put this list together we were struck again and again by the variety of girls on the site, and more importantly by all the great things they had already accomplished. Prior to becoming the dog owner of one of the most effective cost-free OnlyFans internet pages, Katelyn Runck proved helpful being a runway version, parading on the catwalk and modeling the most expensive clothes designers got put together. She is also an attained sportsperson, as her great system can attest, in addition to a patriot who loves her everything and country they have made it possible for her to complete. You may want to wave the flag oneself as you verify her out and discover all the fantastic articles with this free of charge OnlyFans web site.

Emily Willis

This 22-season-outdated porn celebrity started out capturing when she had been a new teenager to the picture. Having a fairly sweet smile and schoolgirl innocence about her, Emily’s hardcore content is even hotter. She’s gained 13 awards since debuting in the porn industry, providing you with some indication regarding how wonderful her content is.

Emily’s OnlyFans contains a lot more private than skilled with everyday movies, private information, and customized video tutorials for her supporters. This attractive seductress loves to get private and reveal much more of her private life on the OnlyFans account for just $4.99 a month.


Using a name like Cherodkeedass, it is actually crystal clear the location where the motion is, and that is on that yummy dark booty. This ebony lass is certain to get the heart racing, as well as a fast glimpse at her internet site will swiftly expose what has made her this type of standout superstar on the OnlyFans foundation. With lots of video clips on her internet site and a lot more appearing frequently, this lovely young lady has a lot to offer you, and she loves to compensate her clients with even more unique information.

Rebeca Vega

Best Capabilities

– A great deal of fetishes and kinks

– 200 pieces of NSFW articles

– Fiery and also messy

– $3.50/30 days

Rebeca is actually a attractive Latina hottie that knows exactly what you’re wanting. Regardless of whether you are looking for warm filthy articles, or more explicit materials, this woman has it in droves for you here.

She loves kinks and fetishes, and may deal with you to a good selection here. They’re way too serious for people like us to talk about here however are definitely enchanting to look at. It’s the kind of articles you would plan to be charged extra for, which makes it better still.

This hot babe is fairly wilderness, so you will desire to look at the content in exclusive. With 200 NSFW videos and photos, though, you’ll have fun for hours.

If you want more heat, just ask her nicely. She loves creating dirty personalized content material. For just $3.50 on a monthly basis, this page is worth a stick to.

Kitten Kira

In this case it is also well deserved, even though when your screen name is Kitten Kira, the hottest pussy moniker comes naturally. This warm, very hot kitten is wanting to please, and her photos and videos could have you purring with pleasure very quickly. Kitten Kira really loves to reach know her fans actually, and she loves to assist the most large stay out their wettest, wildest and most secret fantasies. Why not make 2023 the year you sign up – you will not be disappointed if you do.

Cherokee D’Ass

About Cherokee D’Ass:

Cherokee D’Ass is one of a kind, and if you’re blessed, you’ll recognize her from her various sites where she gets truly naughty. If you don’t recognize her, well now you can consider yourself blessed, because you just discovered one of the best big ass Onlyfans babes to ever grace the Earth.

Cherokee articles new videos and photos every day. If you wish some thing, such as a carnal small customized affair, or simply her musky applied panties, well all you should do is send this attractive young lady a DM, and she’ll connect you up. Cherokee D’ass has each of the correct stuff in all the proper spots, and she’s absolutely crazy.



Loves – 120,000

Cost – $15.99

Mass media – 2420 videos and photos

Hailing from China, Kimmy can be a tiny and alluring Asian slut with a fantastic entire body along with an pressing desire for food for cock. Her content articles are so warm you will want to jack away from simply looking at it. She’s received those little perky tits, that limited tiny bum, which lovable tiny oral cavity which makes men weak within the knee joints.

Way better because she’s not full of silicone and she’s willing to do absolutely anything for a big fat paycheck, though she’s like the perfect miniature version of a Japanese pornstar. So, look no further than OnlyFans if you’re looking for some kinky Japanese erotica with a side of sultry seduction. Join today and see as this tiny tiny vixen takes on all her consumers such as a overall master.

Frequently Asked Questions On Only Fans Babes

Do Girls Subscribe to OnlyFans?

Oh yes, indeed they generally do. Anyone will find something that they like if the check out OnlyFans. The website is quite user friendly which is filled up with more than a thousand different content makers, each using their very own character, area of interest content, and different look. Women of every age group go to OnlyFans to fulfil their sexual appetite as well as to gratify their interest.

Whether or not they arestraight and gay, or a place in the center, it is actually achievable for a woman to take pleasure from OnlyFans babes of allshapes and genders, and affinities.

How Come Young girls Submit on OnlyFans?

There are many reasons that a girl will post nudes and other stuff on OnlyFans, but the main reason is because they want to make money and have fun doing it. OnlyFans can be a safe place for most women so that you can put grown-up articles on-line, when getting the choice to only post the things that they are confident with. Contrary to other web sites and other types of sexual intercourse operate, the people who are on OnlyFans are in comprehensive control over their cash, their content, along with their body.

It is allows and empowering them the opportunity to pay the bills or to earn extra spending money on the side if they want. The very best OnlyFans girls online can certainly make lots of money. So, far, the top earner on the site is Blac Chyna, who made over $15M in a few short years before closing her account.

We say, so long as no one will be coerced into submitting, and so they feel good about anything they are placing on the market, submitting on OnlyFans is a exciting as well as simple means for Only Fans babes to create a little extra funds. A lot more capacity to them.

How to locate Women on OnlyFans?

It may be more difficult than you may think if you find out that your girlfriend’s friend has an OnlyFans account and you are trying to find them. There are several techniques that the site activly works to protect the level of privacy from the models and adult entertainers. For example, its search work is only going to check out actual bank account creator’s usernames.

If you do not know the user’s name, you will not be able to find the creator, even if you do a very specific Google search. If you live in New York State, girls from NYC, Albany, Buffalo and Rochester and Niagara Falls will probably not come up in your searches, many of the best Only Fans girls will choose to block users in their area from accessing their page as well, so for example.

We know it can be annoying, but it is for the best, as many people may have really serious issues in their lives if their relatives, workmates, or community members find their page. Doxxing and stalking can still happen in some cases, but the website works hard to try and keep its performers safe.

Though, that is another story, if you are simply trying to find hot girls on the site. All you want do to find the best girls on OnlyFans is use an internet search engine like OnlyFinder, key in any key words you would like like “sexy girl” “BBW” “Free OnlyFans girls” or “Asian” and countless profiles will be produced.

Do not get frustrated if your search results do not seem to match what you were looking for, as sites like that often put paid advertisements as the first ten or twenty search results. Just scroll down far enough and your curvy search results will be down there waiting if you search chubby girls and it’s all thin and fit chicks.


Whether or not you prefer slender and small busty, big and girls Only Fans babes, blondes or brunettes, cougars or teenagers, there is likely to be a number of best young girls on the webpage to fit your personal preferences. We hope that you may have loved our top finest OnlyFans girl profile list around we certainly have. These beautiful females work their titties and asses for the bone tissue to provide the hot and sexy content material you wish to see, so ensure you give them a bit suggestion to say thank you. So, which of these gorgeous girls are you going to subscribe to first? “

Best Redhead Onlyfans Hottest Onlyfans

Very best OnlyFans Ladies: Hottest OnlyFans Featured This Four weeks


Holly is a saucy blonde minx who really loves her kinks. From feet, to booty enjoyable, to total-on nude footage, this lady is aware precisely how to tease you.

She’s still a newbie, but she’s already attracting quite the attention. When it might seem she’d be bashful plus a little reserved, she is nearly anything but.

Get popular every day uploads, and lots of footage to help you get inside the disposition.

If you DM her, she’ll make you some pretty explicit custom content, or even be your virtual girlfriend if you make it worth her while.

When her profile isn’t cost-free, she does present you with video worth paying for. If you decide to subscribe, you definitely won’t be disappointed.

Bhad Barbie

Bhad Barbie has relatively advanced significantly since her visual appeal on Dr. Phil, and today operates a very profitable OnlyFans information.

Her registration will cost you $23.99 per month, which obviously signifies that it is one of the most costly subscribers you will definitely shell out on OnlyFans.

If you’re looking for a celebrity to experience on OnlyFans, you’re going to love Bhad Barbie’s account, though she also doesn’t really offer exclusive content.

Erica Mena

Using a huge Instagram adhering to and previously founded fame from becoming a TV character on Hip and Love Hop The Big Apple, she is undoubtedly a author to consider. Or just getting to know her as a creator it certainly won’t leave you disappointed, regardless if you were a fan of her because of the show. Her subscription is a bit on the pricier side, but you do get what you pay for at the end of the day,. That is the only downside!

Sella Pink (SellaPink)

Her pussy receives a whole lot cream, it’s as scrumptious like a pastry. This girl also needs a very good working in her butthole regularly, and whenever she makes that factor gape, you are able to virtually hear the people moaning behind the screen performing her praises. Today, Sellapink is about her on the web online game. So, long as she keeps giving us her juicy pussy and perky tits, we’re all happy and hearty.

Most active on sociable programs

Paid chitchat trainings

Daily solo trainings

Ruined Brat Pet cat

When we initial started studying the cost-free OnlyFans planet we had been astonished at the large number of dedicated game player gals populating the website. We were pleasantly surprised to find that this combination is hotter than we would ever have imagined, even though we would not have thought that nerd culture, gaming and adult oriented content could combine in so many delicious ways.

Spoiled Brat Cat is an ideal demonstration of that combo, and also this devoted game addict is gifted in ways than a single. Along with her gaming, Kat loves to enjoy Poor Dragon toys and games, experiencing these lifelike dragon formed dildos and leading them to be (and her audiences) cum again and again.

Rebecca Goodwin

Red headed beauties are a relative rarity nonetheless, even though ginger gals are well represented on the OnlyFans platform. You need look no further than Rebecca Goodwin as 2023 gets underway if you love your girls red and raw. This red-colored headed hottie has got the merchandise, and her inexpensive membership will be your gateway to some field of men and women only erotic enjoyment. Just check out her web site to view what she offers – you will not abandon disappointed.

Shaiden Rogue

With regards to the truly amazing Shaiden Rogue, big is certainly better. A personal explained sizing princess, you can see Shaiden in action as she drops on the large black cock or is situated over a massive dick, all on the delight of her many followers and fans. Recognized for her deeply throating talents, Shaiden is certainly one popular young lady, and she is one of the most prolific suppliers in the OnlyFans platform. When you notice her in action, you will be aware why we named Shaiden Rogue to the set of the top 100 greatest OnlyFans young girls.

Khloe Knowles

This busty babe is 19 yrsold and single, and wants to connect in the DMs. Her petite body and perky bust are simply two alluring features of this tantalizing teen, who has over 1000 graphics and video tutorials to lust more than. With day-to-day uncensored content getting uploaded starting from hot strip teases to jiggish jerk-away from guidelines and complete-on pornographic content, Khloe is just one saucy OnlyFans teen you’ll want to stick to.

She needs to meet her fans’ needs to make them visit daily life, as well as for only $5, you’ll see exactly how nicely she will fulfill individuals fantasies.


There’s a great deal of overtly sexual articles on OnlyFans, as well as for some, the possible lack of subtlety is properly okay. But there’s a particular attraction to simple sexiness as well, and that’s what Carli delivers.

Packs a fiery punch, even though she’s petite: a nature-loving gal who gives almost every other model a manage for his or her cash in the adorableness category.

Her picture collection is around 1550 posts. Her main page is mostly SFW stuff, however.

She has more than 199,00 fans on OF, and more than twice that in followers on Instagram, so suffice to say, there must be something about those photos to draw people in. Then again, she gives the racier, a lot more sublime things to paying buyers also.

Currently, you can sign up for her free of charge. There’s certainly no reason to not take advantage of that while you can, although we’re not sure how long that will last. Carli is your OF girl if you’re looking for a petite firecracker who knows the value of subtlety. She’s one of the better about.

Leading Capabilities:

Provides a tasteful collection of SFW images totally free

Gives hotter, racier photos to the people who subscribe

Petite and adorable

Kacy Black

Leading Functions

– Girl-next-door

– Luxurious market

– Customized videos and content

– $3/month

You can find individuals who look nice in modern swimsuits, there are people that make trendy swimwear look nice. Kacy Black slips inside the second option team.

And not just that. She can also swap it up to nightwear. Or the calm tones in the summer season. Or to the standard lady next door.

Yes, her array is very some thing.

It says you will receive an exclusive expertise whenever. And it is worthy of bringing up that she is amongst the most constant OnlyFans women, so anticipate to use the Kacy Black curler coaster.

And also you don’t must make an enormous dent to your wallet to savor her awesome articles. At only $3 per month for your initial registration, you will appreciate higher-top quality video tutorials, photographs, music, and much more.

Like other well-known OnlyFans credit accounts, you’ll must pay a little bit more to experience superior content from Kacy Black.

To cover it away, you may demand her to create personalized video lessons and photos for yourself to get a exclusive and individualized OnlyFans vibe.

Lust Crystal Free

This warm youthful girl is yet another one that keeps both a free OnlyFans profile and a paid presence about the system. This is a common tactic, and a highly successful one as well, but it also opens up the platform to those who may not otherwise be able to afford a membership. She offers up a great deal of content on the free side, giving her fans and followers a good look at what she has to offer,. That is one of the things we liked about Lust Crystal. She is happy to engage even with those who have not paid a penny up front, even though it is safe to say that her most dedicated followers and fans will head over to the paid side.


About Victoria:

Brazil’s best huge butt Onlyfans legend may be the one and only Victoria. Because she is, but she’s been around the block a few times, and knows exactly how to throw her fans into a frenzy, she may look young. She prefers to be naked and naughty more than anything else, even though victoria loves to dress in lingerie, or cosplay.

Because everything she puts out only gets better and better, you’ll want to take advantage of Victoria’s long-term subscription discount. Victoria loves to amaze her supporters, and she’s usually trying something new, and even carrying out are living. You gotta examine this bombshell out.

Angel Dreaming


-This fresh lady does some hard core stuff that tends to make even most solidified blush

-Angel likes revealing the digital camera along with other hot Only Fans

-The first 31 times as being a follower appear with a 65% lower price (only $3.15! )


The Boston based wife and husband duo make funny videos with each other and some use a hot edge directly to them. They may have chosen to elegance OnlyFans using their existence so they can publish each of their videos that aren’t allowed on Instagram! You’ll enjoy their not-safe-for-Insta videos with their free OnlyFans subscription if you’re a current fan or you’re just discovering the Hammy Hamiltons now. Even with less than 100 content on OnlyFans thus far, there is a whopping 400 000 followers.

Regularly Asked Queries

How Do We Choose The Greatest OnlyFans Credit accounts?

We analyze more than 4 mil OnlyFans profiles every day and rank the most effective based upon a number of elements including likes, clients, account growth, articles quality, subject types, value-for-cash and a lot more. Our ranking procedure is easily the most robust and rigorous position of the best OnlyFinder women readily available on the web. With ratings updated day-to-day, you can rely on OnlyFinder to always supply you with the most up-to-date search rankings of the finest OnlyFans designs on the program.

What are the finest onlyfans balances?

Based upon today’s up to date search rankings, the very best 5 OnlyFans profiles by likes are Bryce Adams, OMGcosplay, Jessica Nigri, Ginny Potter and Lilianaheartsss. The best 5 OnlyFans balances by customers are Gourmet coffee and Cleavage, Kaila Troy, Deelz & Kait, Brittanya VIP, and HAMMYTV. The very best 5 OnlyFans credit accounts by development are ShayLust, Princess Ava, Mia, Mati, and Skylar Mae.

How can I entry the best onlyfans accounts for totally free?

OnlyFans models have the option to set their bank account to either compensated or cost-free.

For free OnlyFans profiles, you may subscribe and gain access to the give free of cost. Free OnlyFans accounts typically have most content on their feed locked behind a PPV (pay-per-view) paywall, so you have to pay to access the actual photos or videos. In addition, cost-free balances…

For paid OnlyFans accounts, you have to pay a subscription fee to access the profile, but once paid all content on the feed is viewable for free. Some paid for accounts select to offer a discounted or trial offer to the initial calendar month to entice new members.

Check out our Free Onlyfans page if you’d like to browse the best free onlyfans accounts.

Bottom line – Very best OnlyFans Young girls to adhere to for 2023

There you may have it! The best OnlyFans information makers you have to adhere to this year.!

From Haley and Luna to Mia and Mikayla, our top selections of the greatest OnlyFans designers can keep you interested all day and night.

Finding the optimum OnlyFans to follow will not need to be daunting. Choose a few from the collection (there is one thing for everyone) and acquire the ball rolling.

We are certain you won’t be sorry.


So, there you have it. These are the best OnlyFans credit accounts. Every one of them offer something somewhat different. Each of the paid ones offer you something which may be worth your money (in case you are to the personnel), and the totally free kinds are a fun way to acquire caught up into the OnlyFans ecosystem with no transaction beforehand.

We can promise you that if you go to any one of these lovely women, you are going to have a fantastic time. Keep an eye on your bank account, though! If you aren’t careful, you are going to be subscribing to a lot of women.

Choose a couple of your favorites and roll from there. We shall always keep this listing up to date with the very best OnlyFans profiles moving forward. That way there will often be a new challenge that you should find out.

Onlyfans Pic Leaks Try Now OnlyFans Sites!

Greatest OnlyFans Porn Accounts: The Most Well Liked Women on Only Fans in 2023

Considering that establishing in 2016, Great britain-Based OnlyFans went from durability to durability.

This post will demonstrate a number of the coolest women on Onlyfans. Examine some of the best and most popular versions as well as their nude xxx content

Find 20 high quality most loved information and over 30 absolutely free to join onlyfans profiles.

You’re almost certainly searching for a terrific way to get greatest consumers on onlyfans so that you can invest your cash intelligent way?

I actually have applied reduced promotional tool that demonstrates which onlyfans account allures an incredible number of guests day-to-day so you never ought to spend time on that aspect.

Listing is updated each week and you will probably keep current on list of onlyfans pornstar nude profiles with out absent nearly anything.

This wonderful site enables top grown-up gender employees to promote their images and videos directly to their followers. It can do it inside a a little various strategy to what you may possibly count on, however.

The real appeal is the ability to subscribe to your favorite onlyfans girl, even though with OnlyFans, you do have the option to purchase individual photos and videos.

If you subscribe, you will have access to what is essentially a social media feed where these models show off their onlyfans nude photos and videos.

If you’re looking for the best onlyfans profiles with hottest girls and pornstars look no further, we have you covered, here is our list of over seventy top girls on onlyfans.


Maryu Official

You may have grown bored of all the Zoom calls during the darkest days of the pandemic, but we can safely say that your video chats were never quite like this. The lovely and undeniably sexy Maryu loves to video shat, overview but she prefers to do it naked, preferably with a toy in her hand. Now she wants to see your cock, and she longs to get a daddy that can self-control her making her cum. Go ahead and struck her up and see what she actually is all set for – you will not be dissatisfied.

Searching For Boyfriend

An increasing number of OnlyFans articles makers are getting past the stationary movie and heading entertaining as an alternative. Livestreaming has grown to be huge enterprise, not merely on Twitch along with other gaming sites but on much more adult focused websites as well.

This kind of is the case using the next entry on our listing – Searching For Boyfriend has rapidly made a reputation for herself since joining the system, and she owes a great deal of that achievement to her livestreaming prowess. When you follow her on social media you can get advance notice of her various livestreams, but if you like you can simply drop in from time to time and see what she is up to.


When you dub yourself the cum princess you must deliver the goods, and Madison Knox clearly does. This hot girl supplies a genuinely exceptional VIP encounter, with XXX graded articles you merely are unable to find elsewhere. If you are looking for a wild ride and an entry point into your most erotic fantasies, you cannot go wrong with a subscription to one of the hottest OnlyFans pages on the web.

Samy OF

Should you be looking for one thing hot and sweet, could we humbly claim that you ingest a cup of Samy OF (together with your eye). This stunningly wonderful fresh young lady has placed a ton of unique information, most of it nude and decidedly X-rated.

The beautiful Samy loves to communicate with her supporters in the platform, and she benefits one of the most ample members with special photos and videos. If you are feeling horny and ready to chat, just hit her up and see what she is up to – and up for.

Kat Aphrodisiac

One of the best reasons for the OnlyFans business model is the actual way it helps information makers get in touch with the visitors who really like them. They will not leave with a sense of who those models really are, although when someone watches a standard porn clip on one of the many hub sites, they may leave satisfied.

The OnlyFans foundation is quite a bit various, and much more entertaining, with no one particular does proposal better than the amazing Kat Aphrodisiac. Known for her distinctive content material, her motivation to get nude while watching digital camera and her real adoration for the subscribers who make her live on the web probable, Kat obviously has received a spot in your leading 10 collection. We are certain you may recognize that it popular young lady has all the goods, so why not make her look by requesting some distinctive information? If you look you may quickly realize why this hottie belongs on our listing of the most notable only fans nude women.

Loona Sex Therapist

Smart is usually attractive. Not simply is Loona a sexy OnlyFans product, she is an authorized gender counselor AND an OnlyFans pornstar. In her own individual words and phrases, Loona is: “Breaking stereotypes when you are Accredited Sexual intercourse Counselor with Master’s Level in Therapy and carrying out true porn on OnlyFans! ” When you sign up (totally free! !! ) to her site you may enjoy: exclusive content material (single, boy-young lady, young lady-girl), full-length uncensored video tutorials (squirt, much more), dick scores, stay streams and custom video tutorials, 1-on-1 personal messaging and sexting, messy sound messages, and her real 32F boobs. Along with her self-defined “XL Pussy Lip area”. This all wonderful content has acquired her over 23, 000 enthusiasts. That’s lots of possible suggestions!

Belle Creed

The lovely Belle Creed also maintains a paid site filled with additional videos, photos and other explicit items, as with many content creators in the free OnlyFans account universe. You are encouraged to explore further, and it will not hurt to check out what she offers for a price, if you like what you see on the free site. For your meantime, even so, you can experience a whole lot totally free, producing Belle Creed one of the best bargains the web is offering.

Hot Falling Devil (Realhotfallingdevil) – Very best Partners Webcam Product Performer

The Hot Falling Devil might at the same time also be your angel of pleasure. Her bum is pussy and round dripping, all expecting you. You will find, her small pussy is really a entrance to paradise and once you view her moan and fuck and transfer her hips, you dance for the music of ecstasy up to she does.

Day-to-day shows

Boobs and bum enthusiast

Guest performing artists pleasant

Champ squirter

Natalie Monroe

Some of the top rated OnlyFans women handle the website being a interest, while others possess a mind (as well as a body) for enterprise. Natalie Monroe is plainly within the second option classification, and that super popular businesswoman definitely has it occurring. Right from the start Natalie has become devoted to healing her enthusiasts appropriate, and she is suffering from exceptional achievement as 2023 will get started. Noted for her exclusive information and remarkable video tutorials, Natalie is definitely anyone to watch. If you want to have your fantasies fed and your wildest dreams fulfilled, just check out what she has to offer.

Sara (Sara_exciting) – Best Cam Girl Entire body

Sara is fun and hot each loaded together inside a popular and steamy bundle. You’ll not have an adequate amount of her due to the fact her pussy generally wishes more! ! Together lusty view and perky boobs she invites you to determine her your will. It’s your choice now to know this gorgeous stallion how you wish to attach her!

Standard demonstrates

Straightforward chatting possibilities

Tongue activity and fingering

Straightforward payment choices

Diana K.

Her OnlyFans name says all this: Diana includes a sexcam and it is it ever steamy. This curvy brunette has extraordinary all-natural curls and lots of spicy lingerie. She also really loves barely-there costumes. You’ll really like them too. Her around 2000 content have acquired her practically 300,000 followers so far! We guess there’s some fairly racy PPV sexcam content material offered also.

Avery Ellah

Leading Characteristics

– $3/four weeks

– 190 bits of really very hot content

– Loves producing special information

– Amazing booty

Avery Ellah is seriously saucy-if you’re looking for an OnlyFans account that is going to get you hot under the collar quickly, she is the one for you.

With 190 items of XXX content material in her webpage, this best OnlyFans porn star indicates enterprise.

She is aware what you need, and is not scared to give it to you personally. If there is something missing, just drop her a DM, though you’ll find new content on her page most days.

Like other OnlyFans makers, this hottie loves producing distinctive articles. Tell her what you wish, or enter into a negotiation together, and she’ll provide you some incredible information.

She’s currently got a low-cost $3/month membership payment, which means you can experience all of her deliciously warm content material for the buying price of coffee.

Mia Malkova

Mia Malkova is an American citizen Twitch streamer and pornstar from Palm Springs, Ca. Prior to her job in the grownup industry, she worked at McDonald’s and Sizzler from age of 16 until the saturday and sunday she captured her very first movie. Ever since then, Mia has become nominated for 13 AVN prizes, and gained 5, such as Finest New Starlet. She have also been picked as Penthouse Family pet from the Calendar month in October, 2016. Just recently, Mia has moved her imaginative emphasis to OnlyFans, where by she’s swiftly amassed one of the most significant followings about the entire foundation.


Delivered October 29, 1997 in To the west Palm Beachfront, Florida, Mikayla Saravia Kkvsh has been generating a significant term for herself on OnlyFans, very much to the joy of her several admirers. There is much more than beauty to her appeal, although part of her charm is no doubt her exotic good looks, a tribute to her Jamaican and Salvadoran heritage.

There are numerous routes to online fame, and also the street Mikayla Saravia required is unquestionably worth mentioning. Following currently amassing a good pursuing on Instagram, Mikayla became an right away experience following publishing a relevant video presenting her amazing 6-1/2″” mouth. Currently OnlyFans members are able to see that tongue, and much more, in all of the their mature enjoyment glory.

Larsa Pippen

Larsa is another movie star that you might want to watch on OnlyFans because she actually is really the ex-partner of National basketball association star Scottie Pippen.

She gives her customers with high end inspired information, so we don’t assume that she charges excessive with regards to her monthly subscription.”

FAQs Finest OnlyFans Articles Inventors

Do Any of The Finest OnlyFans Types Offer Cost-free Subscribers?

Indeed, some of the best OnlyFans versions provide free subscribers to their common content supply.

OnlyFans ladies like Emmy Beehz, Daisy Dray, Molly Sims, and Aisha are just a handful of excellent types of top OF types who permit you to have a look at their content for free.

What sort of Content Is Supplied on OnlyFans?

The kind of content presented on OnlyFans is generally computerized multimedia like photos and videos. Whether or not it’s SFW or otherwise, you are likely to discover a plethora of groups and art galleries.

But that is not all there is.

Some content creators and models also part out and give bodily products they can promote especially on their customers. This is often everything from donned panties to graphics.

And this is what makes OnlyFans rank as one of the greatest cam internet sites to make money.

How Do I Get The Most Popular OnlyFans?

You will find your best OnlyFans types by checking out social media marketing websites like IG or Twitter and hitting the OF links they post via articles or in their bio.

Given that OF doesn’t have a research club, you may also consider utilizing third party OnlyFans search engines like google via Google. Our go-to must be FanPleaser.

Ultimate Thoughts

OnlyFans has diversified over the last couple of years to accommodate a lot more of its audience, as more people have flocked to the app, as you can see.

From custom made and information inventors to pseudo-famous people, and health and fitness trainers, there are numerous articles creators on OnlyFans that one could take full advantage of, and in many cases sign up for.

Regardless of whether you seeking a cost-free registration, or you are needing to sign up for a paid out subscription exactly where you receive a large amount of amusement value consequently, we have a sensation that you are likely to manage to find what you are interested in whenever you examine our list of OnlyFans accounts.

We have now identified the best Only Fans accounts to adhere to in 2023, to help you free yourself time to accomplish the study, and begin becoming interested immediately.

Realizan inversión histórica en equipamiento e infraestructura al SQCS

Para mejorar la operatividad del Sistema Quintanarroense de Comunicación Social (SQCS) y permitirle seguir siendo un medio de comunicación público al servicio de las personas, la gobernadora Mara Lezama entregó equipo de cómputo, de radiodifusión, de transmisión para televisión, una torre de radio para Juan Sarabia y una antena y transmisión para la estación de Radio Caribe.

Mara Lezama destacó que cuando se combate la corrupción, el dinero alcanza para más y se destina a donde debe ir para el servicio de las personas. Por ello, se realizó una inversión histórica de 7 millones 377 mil 629 pesos para equipo de cómputo y cambiar los fierros viejos y oxidados de Juan Sarabia, desde donde surge la señal de Chetumal AM, y mejorar la calidad de transmisión de Radio Caribe para los radioescuchas cancunenses.

Se entregaron 13 computadoras de escritorio, 4 de edición, 6 laptops, 5 televisiones, 9 videocámaras, 2 pronter, 13 sistemas de micrófonos, un dron, un servidor de almacenamiento, las 9 antenas y equipos de transmisión.

El SQCS tiene una responsabilidad social, pues difunde contenidos sociales, educativos, culturales, de entretenimiento, pero sobre todo de orientación y de protección civil para la comunidad, sumándose así al Nuevo Acuerdo por el Bienestar y Desarrollo de Quintana Roo, para que nadie se quede fuera ni nadie se quede atrás.

Mara Lezama destacó que el SQCS tiene un papel relevante en la transformación profunda del estado, transmitiendo para el conocimiento de las personas los programas sociales, las acciones y obras de este gobierno humanista y progresista, sus bellezas naturales y turísticas, su historia, sus manifestaciones culturales que estimulen la conciencia cívica y fortalezcan la identidad quintanarroense.

La Gobernadora de Quintana Roo, acompañada de la directora general del SQCS Alma Beatriz García Muñoz, de la Secretaria de Gobierno Cristina Torres Gómez, y del Secretario de Finanzas y Planeación Eugenio Segura, recorrió las instalaciones del Sistema, presenció un vídeo sobre la historia del SQCS.

Mara Lezama destacó que este es un primer paso para transformar al SQCS y sacarlo del rezago, para que junto con su personal, con sus trabajadores, se escriban y difundan las páginas más bellas de la historia de Quintana Roo.

Por su parte, la directora general del SQCS Alma Beatriz García Muñoz destacó que al llegar a esta empresa encontró un total abandono, sin equipo o bien obsoleto, un lugar al que poco o casi nada se le había invertido, y ahora de la mano de la primera mujer Gobernadora se logró avanzar en la transformación.

Añadió que con la entrega de este equipamiento se da un paso importante hacia la modernidad. “Hoy con orgullo y a nombre de todo el personal que conforma el SQCS agradezco a la Gobernadora por hacer realidad que la justicia social y la transformación también llegará con la entrega de todo este equipo que mejorará la operatividad del SQCS”.

Promueve Cancún la multiculturalidad en celebraciones decembrinas

“Mis mejores deseos para ustedes y sus seres queridos en esta Navidad; gracias por compartirnos su alegría, tradiciones, gastronomía y su música este 2023, estoy segura que el próximo año seguiremos trabajando en equipo y fortaleciendo este cariño que nos une”, expresó la Presidenta Municipal, Ana Paty Peralta, al asistir en la posada de la Asociación de Oaxaqueños Unidos Benito Juárez.

Esta celebración se llevó a cabo en el salón de eventos sociales Oaxaca en la Supermanzana 98, donde la Primera Autoridad Municipal se acercó a saludar mesa por mesa a todas las familias del estado hermano, mostrando su compromiso y deseo de seguir fortaleciendo los lazos de hermandad.

Además de los saludos, la Primera Edil compartió momentos de armonía, con una cena típica oaxaqueña, música tradicional que llenó el ambiente de alegría y la tradicional piñata que generó momentos de sonrisas y felicidad entre los asistentes.

Al despedirse de esta actividad, Ana Paty Peralta destacó que en Cancún se continuará promoviendo la diversidad cultural, ya que la convivencia de tradiciones y costumbres enriquecen nuestra identidad y ofrece la oportunidad de aprender y crecer.